
A Family Affair: Why Carmela Foods Delivers More Value

Written by Carmela Staff | Jun 17, 2024 5:47:47 PM

At Carmela Foods, food isn't just our business, it's our passion. It's a passion that started with family, and that family focus is what sets us apart. We believe that being a family-run business allows us to deliver more value to our customers in three key ways:

    • Generations of Discerning Palates: Our story begins with Anthony Tocco's exceptional cook of a mother. Her dedication to quality and unique flavors is a legacy we carry on. It's in our DNA to source the finest ingredients and create products that delight every taste bud.

    • Pride in Every Bite: When you're part of a family business, every product reflects on your name. That means we take immense pride in everything we do, from meticulously selecting ingredients to ensuring the perfect taste in every bite. We put our hearts into Carmela Foods, and we think it shows.

    • A Deep-Rooted Commitment: Carmela Foods isn't just about selling great food; it's about building a legacy. We're committed to our community, supporting local farmers, and nurturing our culinary heritage. This commitment goes beyond profit; it's about leaving a positive impact on the world around us.

From One Family to Yours:

Carmela Foods started with one product, one truck, and one dream. Today, under the leadership of Anthony's nephew, Paul Buscemi (CEO), and niece, Carmie Vicari Gray (VP), that dream has blossomed. But one thing remains constant: our dedication to family values and bringing exceptional food to your table.

So, the next time you reach for a Carmela Foods product, know that you're not just buying a meal, you're supporting a family tradition of quality, passion, and community. We believe that makes all the difference, and we hope you taste it in every delicious bite.